

Responsible for designing, constructing, and optimizing the structural components of a rocket, including the body and fins. They focus on ensuring the airframe's stability, aerodynamics, and structural integrity to withstand the forces encountered during launch and flight. This team collaborates closely with all subteams to ensure the development of a functioning vehicle.


Responsible for developing and implementing the electronic systems that control and monitor the rocket's flight. This includes designing and integrating components such as sensors, microcontrollers, and communication systems. The avionics team plays a crucial role in ensuring accurate data collection, precise trajectory control, and successful deployment of recovery systems for the rocket. They often collaborate with other teams, such as avionic’s bay and recovery, to achieve seamless integration of their electronics.


Responsible for developing and implementing the mechanisms that ensure the safe return of the rocket to the ground after its flight. This includes the design and deployment of recovery systems such as parachutes. The team carefully considers factors like altitude, descent rate, and wind conditions to optimize the recovery process. Collaborating closely with other teams, particularly avionics for accurate timing and deployment control, the recovery team plays a vital role in safeguarding the rocket and its payload during descent.


Responsible for creating the foundation for simulation standards and methods used across the team. Members of this team mainly work as consultants to other technical subteams to help and guide them to their simulations related needs and goals. Members of this team may also choose to work on more experimental, detailed simulations projects that can create simulations frameworks for the future.

Avionic’s Bay

Specialises in designing and optimising the avionics bay, a critical component housing electronic systems essential for flight control and monitoring. Their primary focus is creating a robust and efficient structure to accommodate various electronics and facilitate seamless integration with the recovery subsystems. This involves meticulous planning to ensure that all components, including sensors, microcontrollers, and communication systems, are strategically positioned within the avionics bay for optimal performance. By closely coordinating with the avionics and recovery teams, they ensure that all electronics and recovery mechanisms are seamlessly integrated into the avionics bay, guaranteeing reliable operation and contributing to the overall success of the rocket's mission.


Responsible for designing, building, and integrating the scientific or experimental equipment that the rocket will carry during its flight. This team works to ensure that the payload is securely housed within the rocket, meets any mission-specific requirements, and can withstand the conditions experienced during launch and ascent. Collaboration with other teams, particularly avionics for data collection and integration, is essential to achieve a successful and coordinated mission.

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